Domani lo mettono in orbita, ma ci vorranno circa 2 settimane prima di poterlo utilizzare liberamente... speriamo che non venga intasato subito dai soliti che operano senza criterio.
The on-orbit checkout procedure for Fox-1D is similar to the procedure for AO-91. However, the various experiments on board Fox-1D, including the HERCI, Virginia Tech camera, and L-Band Downshifter will require more extensive testing than the experiments on board AO-91 and could take up to two weeks but could be less if users cooperate. It is very important, and good amateur operating practice, to refrain from using the transponder uplink so the on-orbit tests can be performed, including when the satellite is switched into Transponder Mode for testing.
AMSAT will make it broadly known when the tests are complete and the transponder is available for all to use. If you hear someone on the transponder, please do not assume that it is open for general use – check AMSAT’s website, Facebook, and Twitter before transmitting to be sure you do not interfere with testing.
AMSAT asks all satellite operators to contribute just a little bit of your time by gathering telemetry, not using the transponder uplink, to help complete the progress of getting Fox-1D operating for the amateur radio community.
Good luck e speriamo che funzioni bene

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